Hello, I’m Rithika!

UX Designer with a passion to create innovative and thoughtful human-centered design solutions. I am excited about Systemic Design and Augmented Reality (AR)

UX Designer @ Harvard University- Digital Data Design Institute
Previously at Forbes, Sony Entertainment & NASA


Product Design | UX Research

Forbes Internship: CMS UX Design

Enhancements to Forbes CMS Bertie assistant

UX Research|Service Design

Eclipse Soundscape Citizen Science Project

Capstone: Redesign of NASA Eclipse Soundscape website to support accessibility

Speculative Design| UX Research

Gamified Mindful Eating App Design

Thesis Project: A playful way to nurture mindful eating habits through gamification

Systems Thinking|3.0 Web Design

Blockchain Cooperatives UX Design

Case study: An attempt to increase member participation through incentivization

Augmented Reality|UX Design | Art Installation

WeathAR App UI Design

Project: Real-time US weather in augmented reality

Augmented Reality | Visual Design|Illustration

Visual Storytelling and Design

Project: An interactive storybook using augmented reality

UI Design | Visual Design

TravelHer Mobile App UI Design

Concept: Travel safety app for women

UI Design | UX Research

My MTA Mobile App Redesign

Project: Redesign to include payment workflow and subway route suggestions